
Get more satisfied customers and a bigger revenue
by i
ncreasing your Anodizing knowledge
and improving your process

For anodizers and manufacturers using anodized aluminum

Some of AluConsult’s clients…

AluConsult’s services

I help you make (or get)
better anodized aluminum parts through…


Let’s solve your specific problem or obstacle with your anodizing line or the aluminum parts you receive from your supplier. 

AluConsult helps you 1:1 either via video call or on site.


Starting out in anodizing? Or do you want to strengthen your team’s knowledge about anodizing or sustainability of anodized aluminum? 

Have a look at AluConsult’s workshops here.


Do you want time to dive into an intriguing world of anodizing at your own  pace? 

At AnodizingSchool (by AluConsult) you find the knowledge you need to start or strengthen your anodizing line.

“Can you help me?”

The companies I work with are typically in one of two groups: 

Anodizing companies

As an anodizer – for clients or colleagues in-house – you want to deliver the best possible aluminum parts. Parts with perfect surface finish, fittings and durability. 

But you also want to make your Anodizing Line as efficient and thereby as profitable as possible. 

I help you overcome production obstacles, educate personnel, test or help you optimize your anodizing line. 

Whether it’s through an online workshop, consultancy on a specific task or as your go-to “lifeline” to call when you are in doubt where to go and what to do next.

Feel free to reach out for a non-binding talk about how I can help you. 

Manufacturing companies 

I help you specify your aluminum surface requirements to your anodizer, so you get the perfect parts for your product without returns, delays or disappointments. 

I’ve worked with companies who manufacture as versatile a range of products as:

  • Airplanes and helicopters
  • Furniture, lamps, toilets and interior design products
  • Consumer durables like televisions and sound systems
  • Facades and other aluminum components for buildings and constructions
  • And a lot more…

Need help, or are you curious about how I can help you? 

Hear AluConsult’s clients out…

“We have fought through several challenges, with heat transport away from the components being the first and biggest challenge. 

After meeting Anne, we were prepared for this, and the other problems that would arise. One by one, we solved them. 

Currently, we maintain a good control over the process and production is running smoothly.”

Ole Jørgen

“We’ve had Anne in for 2 custom trainings and each has provided exactly what we needed to broaden both the depth and width of our staff’s understanding of anodizing, hardcoating, and electropolishing.

She’s able to not only guide attendees through her prepared presentation, but also interact and improvise to take the training wherever the audience needs to go.”


Chris Angus

“When considering square pulse anodizing on our process, Anne came to our facility for a pulse anodizing workshop and made recommendations on our processes for improving the work that we do. 

We have continued to rely on her for consultation when we are stumped on issues or defects. She is very knowledgeable in the anodizing process and all the quirks that come with it. We are thankful to be able to call Anne for expertise.”

Alexis Cunningham

About AluConsult

After 25 years in the anodizing industry,
my passion for aluminum is as strong as ever

Hi! I’m Dr. Anne Deacon Juhl. For 25 years I have been passionate about anodizing. 

For two reasons: It is the most sustainable surface finish of aluminum, lowering our carbon footprint – and because anodizing done right can make your products and buildings beautiful. 

At AluConsult I help both you who keep the anodizing line rolling – and you who use anodized aluminum parts to design and create wonderful products. 

My experience includes a PhD in anodizing, work as a quality manager in an anodizing company and a production supervisor in the aerospace industry as well as consultancy and training of many companies as a private consultant. 

Feel free to read more about my background here.

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Resources & free knowledge

To do-list for anodizers

4 actions you can take today to increase the revenue of your anodizing line

Checklist for manufacturers 

8 things to agree on with your anodizer (to avoid mistakes and disappointments)


Learn the basics to become a brillant Anodizer
(for new and experienced professionals)

Anodizing World

A blog with tips and knowledge about Anodizing

For Anodizers and manufacturers using anodized aluminum parts

Can aluminum be sustainable? 

Can aluminum be sustainable? 

I am an anodizing expert exclusively for aluminum. While you can also anodize other metals such as magnesium and titanium, I have dedicated my career to...

What is hard anodized aluminum? 

What is hard anodized aluminum? 

Does your company develop and sell aluminum products that have to withstand harsh environments? For example, suspension systems for motorbikes or rotor blades for helicopters flying in the desert? I...

How do you work with AluConsult? 

3 steps to get you better anodizing results
(no matter if you’re an anodizer or a manufacturer)

#1: We discuss your problem

Before we do anything, you get in touch by contacting me here

We discuss your issue, problem or need – whether it’s a specific problem with your anodizing line, if you’re confused about how to specify your need to your anodizer or you want to educate your staff better on anodizing. 

#2: You receive an offer

After zooming in on your specific need, I send you an offer for a workshop, 1:1 help through consultancy or an option of recurring consultancy to help you for a longer period of time. 

#3: We get started

Once you’ve agreed to the offer, we pull up our sleeves and get to work – to improve your products, make your customers happier and your business more profitable. 

Book a non-binding, preliminary talk with me here.

Other people also ask…

Does AluConsult offer ongoing consultancy?


To make things as flexible for you as possible AluConsult has a voucher system where you invest in a certain amount of hours of consultancy. This allows you to reach out to me if and when you run into an obstacle you need my help to solve. 

The vouchers are flexible, meaning you’re not bound to a certain number of hours each week or month, but can get my help when your need arises.

You can – of course – also get help on a project or “fix my problem” basis. 

Read more about the vouchers here. 

Do you offer on site training, workshops and consultancy?

Yes! You can both get training and consultancy online via video call or on site. 

Be aware that you must calculate accommodation and travel expenses on top of my fee if you want me to come to your location. 

Therefore, a lot of my clients prefer to meet online for smaller projects and shorter workshops (and hey – it’s better for the environment, too…)

Contact me for a preliminary talk here. 

Can you give direct recommendations for our equipment or process?

Yes! If you are about to start an anodizing line, or want to upgrade or optimize the one you already have, it is key to get the right equipment and tune your process to get the best results. 

I can help you with that 1:1 – or you can have a look at the Anodizing Masterclass’ e-learning module about equipment here. You can go through the module whenever you have time and need for it. 

Need personal help? 

Contact me for a non-binding talk here.

Contact AluConsult

Let’s talk about it 

Reach out to Anne Deacon Juhl at AluConsult.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +45 24 23 91 45

Connect with Anne on LinkedIn